Thursday, December 11, 2008

Lilly Pulitzer and footed pajamas

This postess with the mostess is mostly a shoutout to my friend Sara's new online boutique, Adelie.

I've touched on my two trips down to Pedro, as they say sans the San, here and here, but I wanted to give a visual sampling of my own to show what she has to offer.

For C's birthday, Sara found the most adorably vibrant Lilly Pulitzer terry-cloth cover-up (see photo, above). It's a little big for her now, but it will be great for next summer apres pool.

My latest trip down the 110, last Saturday, yielded an amazing bounty of vintage clothing. Besides the Exclusively Misook top and the ultra-femme Lady Manhattan blouse and (don't forget!) the perfect red-carpet black dress from Laundry by Shelli Segal with the cinched torso, I also snagged this delicate Alfred Shaheen cocktail dress from the 1960s. '60s!

He was a Hawaii-based designer, which is illustrated by the two hibiscus flowers on the skirt (see photo, right, courtesy of Sara Farr). Shaheen also signed (!) the dress as well.

(I've been to Hawaii twice, once with my friend Alisa and the other time on my honeymoon, and both times I've felt a peace that I've never found anywhere else in the world. I hope to take you there, C, and soon. This dress is so perfectly Hawaiian, too. Not only with the hibiscus, which they L-O-V-E love over there, but also the effortlessly chic, cool and delicate design. I want to go back. Your dad would say the same thing.)

I wish it were summer, C. You and I would show the world -- or perhaps, just L.A. -- how clothes are worn. Lilly Pulitzer and Alfred Shaheen would accompany us down the runway that is 3rd Street or Wilshire Boulevard. Santa Monica or Sunset. I would hold your little hand in mine as the sun beat down upon us. And we would smile and laugh like those untouchable beautiful girls in a John Fante novel.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Right now it's footed pajamas and flannel sheets. It's December, almost Christmas, and there's a brisk chill in the air after sundown. I can't wait, though, until we can chat about silly things like life and love and, yes, even clothes. I can't wait for you to tell me what it is you like. What you don't like. And what makes you happy. (Do all mothers of girls think like this?)

In the meantime, I'm here. I'll wait.

But, yes, C, if you don't already know, your mother is such a girl.


  1. Aww, C looks too cute in her little cover-up!

    Also, TAG, you're it!
 You've been tagged to share 7 random facts about yourself! *Hope you feel like playing along.*

    See my site: for the rules.

  2. Thanks, V! OK, I'm game. Will check out the rules.
