Thursday, January 27, 2011

Coming Attraction: 'Seriously Funny Kids' with Heidi Klum

"Seriously Funny Kids" with Heidi Klum, seated, will premiere on Lifetime on Feb. 1 at 9 p.m. ET/PT.
(Photo credit: Jaimie Trueblood / Lifetime Television)

Kids definitely say the funniest things. In fact, CC is probably the funniest person I know.

Some of her bon mots include: "Mommy, I want a little sister. ... How do you grow one of those?" and "Mommy, can I write on Sassy?" meaning the cat.

Now supermom and model Heidi Klum is capturing those classic kiddo comments on the small screen with her newest reality show "Seriously Funny Kids," debuting Tuesday, Feb. 1 (9 p.m. PT/8 p.m. CT) on Lifetime Television.

This half-hour show, produced by LMNO Productions as well as a host of others, will air on Tuesdays and feature Ms. Klum interacting with the shorties and getting their take on life, fashion and other fun stuff.

Can't wait to check it out!


  1. I was so excited to come across this post! I work on behalf of Lifetime and was ecstatic to hear I would be working on Seriously Funny Kids. Who doesn't love Heidi Klum? She seems so down to earth and playful with the kids that I know I will be hooked every Tuesday. I don't have any children but if you do, and they are hilarious you should enter them in the Funniest Kids Challenge! ( You still have 32 days left to submit your video!

  2. Looking forward to the show! Now I'm even considering making a video of CC. :)

  3. You definitely should make a video of CC! Let everybody know if you submit a video so you can encourage people to vote for CC! Any funny memories off the top of your head? Would love to hear some!
