Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Giveaway: Circus Vargas Comes to Hollywood!

UPDATE: Congrats to ! (aka James) and Kirstin, who won the Family Four Pack of tickets to see Circus Vargas! Thanks so much for participating. Please email at losangelesstory@gmail.com with the date you would like to attend.

Circus Vargas is coming back to town May 12-16, and this time the company will pitch its blue-and-gold tent in Hollywood.

I'm excited to take CC to see the show, which somehow eluded us when it was in Culver City last year.

I'm also excited because I'm giving away 2 sets of Family Four Packs (see info below) to Circus Vargas, so L.A. Story readers can have a chance to enjoy the juggling, acrobatics and aerialists as well.

You might recognize that mysterious-looking tent from a movie that's currently in theaters, starring Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson. Yes, Circus Vargas gets its big-screen close-up in "Water for Elephants."

One big difference, however, between the movie and the new 2011 show from Tabares Entertainment that's coming to the intersection of the 101 Freeway and Sunset Boulevard is that the Hollywood show will be completely animal-free.

"Circus Vargas has a rich tradition of performing animals," says owner Katya Quiroga. "We appreciate that some people really like seeing animals in the circus, but every year Circus Vargas evolves and the artistic direction sometimes changes."

Instead, the 2011 Circus Vargas performance will take the audience "on an artistic journey encompassing the cultures of the world in a series of vignettes depicting the experiences, memories, and visions of a traveling circus performer," according to a press release. Performers will include aerialists, acrobats and comedians.

At the half-hour pre-show, hosted by Jon Weiss, families will have the chance to venture into the ring to get a "crash course" in circus skills, such as juggling, feather-balancing and hula-hooping.

Circus Vargas
May 12-16
101 Freeway & Sunset Blvd.
Tickets: Adults 11 and over ($25-$60); Children ages 2-10 ($15-$50)
To order, visit www.circusvargas.com or call 877-GOTFUN1

*** GIVEAWAY ***

I'm giving away 2 sets of Family Four Packs to see Circus Vargas in Hollywood.

To enter, please leave a comment telling me what you or your kids love most about the circus.

For more chances to win, follow me on Twitter and retweet this giveaway. I'm at @la_story. Or you can "Like" the L.A. Story Facebook page.

Just be sure to leave extra comments telling me you did so.

Good luck, and I will announce the winner (on this post, not a separate one) on Monday, May 9!


  1. Please please please. I've always loved the circus, even more so when I was working on a newspaper and did a feature on the ringmaster... a fascinating cliche-busting guy (wintered in NYC, had a masters, got the job because he had translated the script into French for the troupe's Canada tour--then the other ringmaster quit)

  2. ick, my profile isn't public. But it's me, James Hames, who is a fan of the FB page and "Liked" the circus post

  3. James, your enthusiasm is totally contagious! :)

  4. The best part of a circus is watching what fascinates my children. To see things through their eyes and not my own continues to amaze me.

  5. That's so true, Kirstin! I love watching what captivates CC.
