Thursday, January 19, 2012

Design Mom Asks L.A. Story

Design Mom, one of my most favorite blogs on the Web, asked yours truly to contribute my thoughts about 2012 New Year's resolutions.

In her feature, "Design Mom Asks," Gabrielle Blair proposed this question: It's a few weeks into the New Year, and my million and one resolutions have been whittled down to ...

Click here for the answers, including one from L.A. Story.

I was so excited when Gabrielle asked me to participate. If you haven't yet checked out her blog, please do. Not only is she a mom to six lovely kiddos, she's also the co-founder of femme-community site Kirtsy. Gabrielle and her husband, Ben Blair, also moved to the Normandy region of France last year, which sounds like an amazing family adventure.

Thanks again, Gabrielle, and Happy New Year!

What have you decided on for your New Year's resolutions?


  1. Loved your response on Design Mom. Here's to more date nights and exploration!

  2. Thanks so much, Mary! Cheers to that, right? :)

  3. Loved it too Laura! That is so cool she asked you!! I just saw her at Alt Summit and said hi and almost cried!! Cause I love her too and was a little nervous to be by her, LOL!! She gave me a hug :)

  4. That's so great that you met her in person, Dariela! :) Alt Summit sounds so cool, too.
