Friday, March 23, 2012

'Doc McStuffins' on Call at Disney Junior

"Doc McStuffins" on Disney Junior
"Doc McStuffins" premiering today on the newly relaunched Disney Junior channel, is just what the doctor ordered.

The half-hour weekday show, which airs this morning at 10 a.m. on the 24-hour channel for young children, is about a 6-year-old girl who treats her menagerie of adorable stuffies when they get ouchies, boo-boos and other ailments.

I received a screener for the show last week, and CC loved it from the first scene. In fact, she's asked to watch it several times in the days since we've had it.

Created by executive producer Chris Nee after her own experience caring for her severely asthmatic son, the show sets out to "help make everything from doctor's visits to removing a band-aid less scary for kids."

What's appealing about "Doc McStuffins," especially for CC, is that this young girl takes charge in a kind, compassionate way to help her little toy friends, as well as her family, feel better.

She lets kids know, through song and happy kindness, that while ouchies can hurt, they also can be treated with care.

After CC watched the two screener episodes, she immediately started pretending she was a doctor herself. She listened to my heart, took notes and checked boxes in a little notebook that was included in the screener package.

The bad news? Apparently my heart wasn't beating. Yikes!

The good news? CC kissed and hugged me, and all was better.

1 comment:

  1. WHERE just where can I buy Doc Mcstuffins toys or stuffed animals? WHERE please I NEED them?
