Monday, May 6, 2013

CC Loves 'The Knitting Girl' at REDCAT International Children's Film Festival

'The Knitting Girl' by Enson Huang (Taiwan)
Saturday kicked off the first day of the 8th annual REDCAT International Children's Film Festival, and CC, Baby Will (yes, he came too!) and I took in a fun assortment of short films from all over the world.

CC's favorite? A Taiwanese film called The Knitting Girl, about a little girl with seriously cool hair who can create anything by simply knitting. Anything.

It's easy to see why the film would appeal to CC. First off, it has an adorable girl at its center. And secondly, she's really resourceful. Having that magical knitting skill would seriously come in handy when I needed, say, a new laptop. (Although I guess that means I'd have to actually learn how to knit first.)

The other films in the Short and Sweet lineup were exactly that -- cute little shorts that appealed to the smallest of filmgoers, Will included.

I couldn't get Stompy the Bear (Charlotte Blacker, U.K.) out of my head for hours. The catchy tune in that short film accompanied a group of different colored bears. What stuck with me the most, though, was a film called Chinti (Natalia Mirzoyan, Russia), about an ant that finds a stamp with the picture of the Taj Mahal on it. He loves it so much, he decides to build his own (which keeps getting knocked down by various elements) -- dedicating his whole life to the task. I won't tell you what happens in the end, but it's so charming, heartwarming and unexpectedly lovely.

REDCAT, you've done it again.

Check out my previous post to find out about other upcoming sections.

REDCAT International Children's Film Festival
The Roy and Edna Disney/CalArts Theater

May 4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19
631 W. 2nd St.
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Click here to buy tickets ($5)

(Note: Media tickets were provided to one of the two sections attended.)

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