Friday, October 3, 2014

Friday Finds: Rodan + Fields

Let's be honest. When it comes to skin care, it's really easy as a mom to just grab whatever cleanser is closest to the sink -- or the one you've used since college -- and go about your twice-daily routine day in and day out.

Or is that just me?

Anyway, I was talking to my friend Kathy, who is an independent consultant for skin-care line Rodan + Fields, and she told me more about this cool company launched by two Stanford-trained dermatologists, Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields.

The pair developed the now-ubiquitous Proactiv line before creating their own line of skin-care products, which addresses everything from blemishes to aging skin.

But it was when I tried out the exfoliation paste and accompanying serum, with retinol and peptides, that I really felt as if I'd been missing out on skin care that pampers.

Don't get me wrong. I've tried different kinds of exfoliators, and most of them have been really harsh. This version actually left my skin feeling soft after I'd scrubbed God-knows-how-many layers of epidermis from my face.

The serum was an added bonus.

Not only that, but Rodan + Fields has a fascinating new product that will be out in January, and I'm itching to see how it works.

The product is called Acute Care, and it's like a Crest White Strip for facial wrinkles. Amazing, I know! While I haven't yet tried it out, I'm looking forward to its January debut.

Not that moms get wrinkles or anything.

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