Sunday, November 30, 2008
A Hollywood Christmas
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Say Yes to Turkey Day
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Smart Girls and the Poehler Express
Original Baby Mama Amy Poehler has joined with Mommy Track'd for this Internet video series called "Smart Girls at the Party."
It's no Weekend Update, but it could get there. It's actually a cute Q&A with girls about their likes and dislikes.
The former "Saturday Night Live" performer just gave birth herself last month to a baby boy. He was born on a Saturday, natch.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Christmas photos, take two
C was a trouper through the actual picture-taking. She was mesmerized by the faux milk and cookies, transfixed by their seeming sugary goodness. It was only when she scratched the waxy surface of the milk(oid) and tried to eat it that she realized something was up. She certainly enjoyed playing with the toys more than saying cheese, but we got our photos, and that's what really mattered.

Friday, November 21, 2008
Logo a Go Go

Thank you, Cheyne!
And please visit his website for more graphics and illustrations at
Thursday, November 20, 2008
This is where Mommy works, Sweetheart
Variety posted this spoof from Will Ferrell's Funny or Die website this morning. It's pretty funny. (Warning: It contains strong language.)
Our Monday morning meetings aren't exactly like this. For one thing, we certainly don't have donuts. Who can I talk to about that?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Celebrity, Shmelebrity
As part of my occasional "blast from the past" posts (meaning anything pre-blog), I thought I'd include this summer dandy. And, whoa mama, is this a dandy -- I'm talking Tom Wolfe dandy! Gay Talese dandy! Not quite Miss J dandy, but you get the picture.
Living in a city that holds all the Baby Jolie-Pitts, Baby Hollabacks, Baby Cruises, Baby Afflecks and, God help us, Baby Nicole Richie, I sometimes pre-fret about Baby C getting caught up in all the celeb madness.
But judging by this photo, I think she'll be just fine.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Smoke screen

Sunday, November 16, 2008
How would Don Draper sell Motrin to moms?
Moms all over the blogosphere are buzzing about the above Motrin ad that hit the airwaves this weekend.
It basically says that "babywearing" makes you look like an "official mom," but it's also a real pain in the, uh, back. Enter Motrin. Not only that, but the last line is: "And if I look tired and crazy, people will understand why."
I'm guessing moms aren't crazy about being called tired and crazy. Although, I'll admit I looked none too sexpot those first couple of months carrying C in her Baby Bjorn.
But I think the real question is: How much better would Mad Men's Don Draper have sold it?
And can that pitch please be a follow-up to Saturday Night Live's hula-hoop skit with Jon Hamm?
Preschool? Already?

Whoa. What?
Considering I had just psyched myself up to leave my child with relative strangers both big and small -- granted friendly and playful relative strangers -- I was decidedly un-ready to think about the next step.
Even if the next step was something along the lines of "Preschool Musical 3."
"Wow, you're worse than we are," she said.
"You got that right, sister," ... I said in my mind. (You'll notice I do a lot of that.)
"Some parents have had their kids on waiting lists since birth," she said.
"OMG, I'm like the worst parent ever," I said in my mind and in real life. It was like total panic. In stereo.
But then I thought, wait a minute. She must be joking. This early? C isn't even 2, although that will change in a matter of weeks. Even this mom's boys are barely 2 years old themselves. But, she told me, they'll start in the fall, when they're almost 3. In the meantime, it was time to pound the pavement and find the right place. Actually to find the right place to put your name on a list. And wait.
She told me I should pick up the Whitney Guide to Preschools and gave me a list of some reputable schools around L.A. Now, we're talking private preschools here, so it's not cheap. But considering the costs of daycare, it could end up being relatively similar. Or maybe I'm just rationalizing.
Anyway, my brain is still swimming in this new and bigger pond, but now I have one more thing to obsess over. And, trust me, I will.
In the meantime, here is a partial list of recommended preschools:
Pilgrim School
Wagon Wheel (yes, the school is called Wagon Wheel)
Hollywood Schoolhouse
Delaney Wright Fine Arts Preschool
Christopher Robin
Fountain Day School
Saturday, November 15, 2008
November and 91 degrees
Friday, November 14, 2008
Why I Blog, Too

Shameless Self-Promotion

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Vets at playing hooky

When we dropped off C at daycare on Monday, I let out a big sigh of relief that we had solved a potential stressor. Of course we hadn't been there five minutes before I was told, "Oh, by the way, we're closed tomorrow for Veteran's Day."
You've got to be kidding me ... I said only in my mind. (Didn't want to sound testy on the first day. Heck, the first few minutes.) But after all this, I was still going to have to take a day off of work with very little notice the very first day I secure daycare for my daughter? Oh, the irony.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Daycare surprise

Well, we mustered up the courage and did it. Yes, yesterday was C's first day of daycare.
It was actually uncanny how quickly she acclimated to daycare life. When we arrived, all the little kids were sitting in mini chairs around a table for "circle time." They each drew on sheets of paper that had monkeys and elephants on them.
"I like monkeys," one read. "I like elephants," read another.
And C joined right in.
In fact, it was Ian and I who were getting choked up. The daycare owner had told us not to linger, that it would be hard on the child if her parents stuck around. But we couldn't help but linger a little bit, just to watch our little C mingle with the other toddlers.
She even comforted a little girl who was crying by patting her on the shoulder. Shouldn't that have been the other way around?
It was clear she was just fine. Her parents, however, needed a few moments to adjust.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Growing pains
Stephani heads out early tomorrow morning, and she wanted to log another quick farewell before the big day.
As you can see, C was having a great time, opening presents, playing with Stephani and commanding center stage as usual.
I had to take a step back while C and Stephani shared some time together, and it was a little discombobulating, knowing something that C couldn't quite grasp. She loves Stephani. Loves. Completely. But I'm also completely sure that she doesn't know that this goodbye is for awhile ... not just a weekend. It's difficult to know just what children perceive, but I'm hoping it doesn't hit her like a ton of bricks in a few days.
Actually, tomorrow is her first day of daycare. Ian and I have checked it out, and it looks really promising. About 14 kids and lots of toys.
It's also funny when you realize your child could be ready to move on to the next stage. This might be good timing, after all.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Goodbye, Stephani
Stephani has been a part of the family for nearly all of C's life, and it's really sad to see her go. She's been a true rock for us and has helped out immeasurably. C adores her, gets so excited when she knocks on the door, and it's difficult to imagine her not being there every day.
One of the things I'll miss most, other than her loving relationship with C, is her saying "Happy Goodnight" each evening before she left.
We'll miss you, Stephani. Hope you come back soon.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day