Monday, November 16, 2009

Sayonara, Hello Kitty!

Yesterday marked the last day of the Hello Kitty Three Apples exhibit at Royal/T in Culver City, and it was so packed.

(How packed was it, you ask gamely?)

Well, it was so packed I almost resorted to bribing the hostess so she would squeeze us in for the Hello Kitty tea. Otherwise, the wait was a mere two hours. I also was secretly hoping for big CC tears, but no such luck.

In case you haven't heard the news, Hello Kitty is celebrating 35 years, and art gallery/cafe Royal/T hosted parties, a gallery exhibit and a shopping area all dedicated to the Japanese icon.

Although we didn't get to experience brunch or tea service, Ian, CC and I walked around the exhibit and even climbed into a colorful Hello Kitty balloon. On our way out, a friendly employee handed CC an HK puzzle key chain and an adorable pink notebook.

Here are more pics from the exhibit: