Tuesday, January 12, 2010

CC joins Rebecca Romijn at 'Got Milk?' launch

Rebecca Romijn unveils her new "got milk?" ad.

Got milk mustaches? Rebecca Romijn and her daughters do.

Yesterday, CC and I had the chance to swing by the new "got milk?" campaign launch at the W Los Angeles Hotel in Westwood.

Adding some star power -- and mom power, too -- the nation's milk processors teamed with model/actress Rebecca Romijn and her 1-year-old twin daughters to be the faces of the 2010 National Milk Mustache Campaign ad, which encourages mothers to "make milk a priority in the year ahead."

Rebecca, who really is that tall and, of course, gorgeous, was on hand with her husband, actor Jerry O'Connell, but without babies in tow. Too bad -- they look adorable.

She reiterated what she mentioned in a statement, saying, "(Milk) supplies so many nutrients that are important for my children's development -- and to my overall health, too."

The event, held in The Backyard of the W, was really kid-friendly and included Lego stations, an area for the tykes to plant herbs and vegetables (right), a super-cool synthetic ice rink (no ice needed!) and tons of milk, natch. Chocolate, strawberry, 1%, you name it. CC and I even got to take our own "Milk Mustache" photo!

CC was so focused on the milk, however, that when I ran into Jerry O'Connell and asked for a pic (left), she barely cracked a smile. The kid had her priorities.

The National Milk Mustache "got milk?" Campaign also launched the "Great Gallon Give" program, which, according to the press release, "will give away hundreds of thousands of gallons of milk -- the equivalent of more than three million servings."

In addition, "the 'Great Gallon Give' will also make it possible to help families in need by passing a virtual gallon of milk to friends on Facebook (Facebook.com/MilkMustache). For every virtual gallon passed, $1 will go to Feeding America, up to $100,000."

We'll drink (milk) to that.

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