Monday, March 1, 2010

Giveaway: Girl World Tour 2010 for moms and daughters

CC's not a tween just yet, but I am looking forward to the days of mother-daughter bonding over school, clothes and friendships. (Boys, I'm a little more freaked out about.)

I want her to be a confident tween and teen, and in the looks-centric world of Los Angeles -- or anywhere, for that matter -- there are bound to be a few bumps in the road.

Rosalind Wiseman's Girl World Tour 2010 is tackling just those topics for moms and tween daughters. Wiseman knows a little something about the subject, being a mom herself, but she also wrote the popular "Queen Bees and Wannabes," which was the basis for the 2004 movie "Mean Girls," with Lindsay Lohan and Rachel McAdams.

The Girl World Tour, which will arrive in the L.A. area (Lakewood) on March 15 from 7 p.m.-9 p.m., will feature Rosalind Wiseman hosting "an interactive discussion about confidence, friendships, sweat-inducing moments and other mother-daughter challenges," according to the release.

There will also be a book signing for Wiseman's debut young adult novel, "Boys, Girls, and Other Hazardous Materials."


I am giving away 2 sets of tickets for 2 mother-daughter pairs to the Girl World Tour, courtesy of sponsor Dove go fresh Deodorant and Body Mists.

Just leave a comment below telling me why you'd love to take your daughter (age 8-14) to the event. I'll announce the two winners on Monday, March 8.

Good luck!

Rosalind Wiseman’s Girl World Tour is presented by Dove go fresh
Date: Monday, March 15
Time: 7-9 p.m.
Location: St. Joseph’s High School; Lakewood, CA
Tickets: $40 per mother-daughter pair
Event Details:

UPDATE: One of the winners, unfortunately, won't be able to make it to the event, so I have a set of mother-daughter tickets available if anyone is interested. Just leave me a comment or email me at Thanks!


  1. This looks like a fabulous event. I've always loved Rachel's work. Having just negotiated that tricky tween time with my daughter, it's bound to be an informative and fun event...there's lots to talk about!

  2. I would love to take my older daughter to this! She's 12, and when she's not driving me crazy, I can take that step back and see how she's totally flummoxed by this whole new world of getting older. She loves it, she hates it. I was also just thinking we need a Date Night. Can't think of a better way to spend one!
