Friday, May 7, 2010

Moms Help A Mother (or Two) Out

Moms from all over Los Angeles gathered together on Saturday to Help A Mother Out, donating Huggies, Luvs and Pampers to the California-based organization that provides diapers to families in need.

Thanks again to Kim Tracy Prince (pictured below in awesome '40s attire), who blogs at House of Prince, for organizing another fun and worthy event that brought in a whopping 3,284 diapers for the mom-friendly organization.

Besides feeling good about being a part of something that helps others, it was also a fun night out for moms. I got to connect with fellow LA mom bloggers Sarah (Mar Vista Mom, The Open Daily), Yvonne (YvonneinLA), Ana (SpanglishBaby), Donna (SoCalMom) and Andrea (SavvySassyMoms), as well as Tania (PureNaturalDiva), who offered her home for the festivities.

Not only was there great conversation, but also good food, courtesy of Fresh & Easy, Tillamook and Steaz Teas. A game truck even showed up as I was leaving, filled with leather couches and big-screens offering games such as Guitar Hero.

It's always nice getting together with the grown-ups (yes, CC was at home with Ian for this outing), and it was even nicer to know that it was for a good cause.

For more information or to donate to Help A Mother Out, click here.

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