Friday, October 15, 2010

Sponsored Post and Giveaway: Old Navy Promotes School Attendance With Gift Cards

Children enrolled in the Compton Unified School District sign
attendance pledges before receiving Old Navy shopping sprees.

Old Navy is making school attendance a lot more fashionable.

The clothing company -- which is a favorite in this house, btw -- last month partnered with four schools in the Compton Unified School District to encourage their students to attend school every day.

Their reward? Shopping!

Old Navy randomly selected 200 students from these schools, and after they signed an attendance pledge, they received $50 to use for their own in-store shopping spree.

But before kids were let loose among the racks of cargo pants and zipped hoodies, each school's principal talked to them about the value of education and attending school every day. How amazing is that? (I'm actually starting to get kinda teary-eyed here.)

Old Navy will continue to reward students who make the grade by giving away prizes to those who demonstrate perfect attendance during the school year.

Of course, kids should want to get to class anyway, but it sure doesn't hurt to score a great outfit in the process.

*** GIVEAWAY ***

To encourage further perfect attendance, I'm offering a $50 gift card to Old Navy (courtesy of the retailer) to an L.A. Story reader who can best answer this question:

"How will you encourage your child to attend school this year?"

Good luck, and I'll announce the winner Friday, Oct. 29!

Now, get those kids to school!

(Photo courtesy of Old Navy)

* Sponsored Posts refer to posts for which I have been or will be compensated. Any opinion reflected herein, however, is my own.


  1. This is great! I would encourage my son to go to school everyday by listening to him when he gets home and be enthuastic about he has learned that day.

    I think this is incredible of Old Navy to do this. In some communities kids have never had the change to shop for NEW clothes.

    This past September my company did their picnic with a Shelter and we gave away school supplies and $100 gift cards to each kid and $100 for each family and the the look of surprise was great!

    They usually go to Thrift Stores or get hand me downs for clothes (which isn't bad) but there is something different to go to a store and just shop...Old Navy is perfect cause they are inexpensive and they can purchase multiple items.

    Can't wait to do our Holiday Party with the Shelter!

  2. I encourage kids every day. I always make note when they have been absent and come back to school. I mention that we missed them and I'm glad they are back. I figure if they realize their teacher notices and misses them, they might be more likely to come back. A lot of kids think that no one notices so I make sure they know that someone does!

  3. Like many parents, I have tried encouraging my daughter to attend school with support, enthusiasm, encouragement, and a careful explanation of why a good education is vitally important for her growth and future happiness. This works about as well as explaining the value of democracy to a wizened Taliban. Like our mission in Afganistan, my mission to educate our child is hopeless without a steady stream of toys, promises, and weak-willed knuckling in to her most extravagant desires. Our child understands that the only road to Disneyland runs through the jungle of Catholic school. She also wants Strawberry Shortcake dolls; if new ones aren't delivered in a regular and timely fashion, she's not going anywhere Monday morning. Although this is an expensive procedure, we have 100% attendance so far this year! Yesterday, she told me she'd get straight A's all the way through 5th grade if there was a Vespa in it for her. Needless to say, I've already bought the helmet...

  4. What a great thing for your company to do, Ruth! And you're so right about enthusiasm.

    I think that means a lot, Pokie, when you let kids know that they are missed.

    I can't wait for CC to read your response, Ian, comparing our child to the Taliban. Wack. :)

  5. I love Old Navy initiative, especially since I used to teach in Compton!

    I encourage my boys by talking up perfect attendance awards and talking about the exciting things they're learning every day. Plus, they know I go to work and they go to school so I talk about how we're all going somewhere we're going to do our best!

  6. I am very fortunate, I don't have to encourage mine to go to school, they both love school.........

  7. I think one of the best things you can do to have your kids feeling good about school is provide healthy eating, good sleep patterns and help with homework.

    If kids are healthy and rested and feel sure of themselves in the classroom than they will enjoy.

    If you take care of the basics everything else will fall into place.

  8. I try to encourage the kids that school is exciting and everytime they miss, they miss an opportunity to learn something new and fun. It doesn't always work, but at least they know I care..

  9. I really love reading about how positive and encouraging all of you are!

  10. This is my son's 1st year in school. Every morning, around 6:50am, I am outside with him waiting for his school bus. (even if it is freezing or raining) I give him a big hug and kiss right before he gets on and I tell him that I hope he has a good day. Every afternoon, I am at his bus stop waiting for him to return home. As soo as he gets off, I give him another hug and ask him how his day was, did he have fun, and what he learned. Once we are in the house, I sit with him and help him with his homework. I make sure I tell him everyday that I am proud of him and that I think he is doing a great job!

  11. our child's school doesn't have a bus so it is up to us to get him to school on time. fortunately he doesn't give us crap yet about getting up early to get to school on time. if he's late to school it's because my busband or i are running late. by taking him to school i know he will get there and enjoy the day.
