Wednesday, June 13, 2012

CC Graduates from Preschool *sob*

Preschoolers get caps and gowns, too.
I almost lost it when I saw CC walking out of her preschool classroom last night, complete in blue cap and gown, to the melody of Pomp and Circumstance.

It's so hard to believe that CC has officially finished preschool and is moving on to bigger and more wonderful things. (Although preschool was pretty great, too.) Ian and I were always so happy to see her so at home with her teachers and friends. It really doesn't get any better than that -- seeing your child confident and happy.

Remember when she first started preschool? And her second year?

In the fall she'll be starting kindergarten at a new school, and we hope it's just as wonderful. That she learns a lot. That she makes loads of new friends. And that she's happy.

Well, the gut-wrenching milestones are starting -- you know, the ones that remind you that she's inching closer to the edge of the nest. Somehow the other milestones didn't feel that way. Walking and talking never seemed to imply that she was leaving anything. Instead, that she was better able to interact with her parents and the world around her.

OK, now I'm getting sappy.

And this is just the beginning.


  1. I know exactly what you feel!! Adrian's graduation is tomorrow and I'm so nervous!! I'm even already nervous for the first day of kindergarten.

    Congrats Laura!!

  2. This phrase has become ubiquitous, I know, but it really does get better. As I watched the girls graduate from middle school and elementary school, I was still emotional, but I wasn't sad. I was bursting with pride of the girls they are becoming, and just honored to be a part of it with them.
    And just think, you get to go through it all again soon :)

  3. Thank you so much for the kind words!

    I hope Adrian's graduation was great, Dariela!

    Thanks, Barbara!

    That's so sweet of you, April! :)
