Monday, July 9, 2012

Books and Cookies ... and Meeting Diana Ross

Chudney Ross reads from her book, Lone Bean, at Books and Cookies.
A couple of weekends ago, CC and I visited the adorable Santa Monica bookstore Books and Cookies to hear the owner, Chudney Ross, read from her new children's book, Lone Bean.

We love visiting the light, bright and colorful shop just off Main Street. In addition to reading various books around the store -- and devouring a cookie or two -- we heard an excerpt from Ross's book, about a little girl who has a rough start to third grade. Not only does she have m-e-a-n older sisters, she also finds out that her best friend has found a new best friend.

It was definitely a party. Lots of visitors, goodies and face paint. (CC opted for the rainbow.)

But perhaps the biggest surprise was meeting Chudney Ross's mom, the uber-famous Diana Ross, who was there to cheer on her daughter. In fact, Chudney had dedicated the book to her mom. It was pretty cute. Just before Chudney read, she sang "If You're Happy and You Know It" and "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" with the kids. I had a starstruck moment as I was sitting next to Diana Ross, who was singing "Twinkle Twinkle!" Crazy!

CC and Diana Ross
While CC might not have known exactly who she was sitting next to, I was thrilled that she'll be able to look back on this and say she sat next to a legend.

Be sure to check out the book. I bought a copy and had Chudney sign it for CC. Can't wait to read it to her -- or, by the looks of it, she might be reading it to herself very soon!


  1. It must be quite a pleasant surprise to see Diana in an unsuspecting place like "Books and Cookies" especially ifyou didn't know the owner, Chudney Ross, was her daughter. A divine Diva moment indeed!

  2. Fantastic! I love Books and Cookies, it's such a great place!
