Monday, July 2, 2012

I've Got More News!

Yes, it's true! Ian and I are going to have a Baby Clark 2.0! And it's a boy!

We're so excited! Despite what the pic above looks like, I'm actually 25+ weeks along, and I'm due in October. (That dress is hiding a lot! Magic?)

I meant to write about this several weeks ago, but time has gotten away from me. This pregnancy is definitely going faster -- maybe because I already have a little munchkin that I'm chasing around.

And speaking of that munchkin, she's very excited to be a big sister. It wasn't always like that, though. When she found out -- I accidentally slipped -- she got so upset. I think it just took her by surprise. But after I told her all the things she could do with a little brother (dress him up, put on shows for him) and what an amazing big sister she would be, she got a lot happier.

Now, she's talking -- more like shouting -- at my stomach and into my mouth, "Baby! Baby!"

It's cute to see.

I'll keep you posted on how things are going, so stay tuned!


  1. Congratulations! You look gorgous.

  2. So excited for you!!

    I'm so excited for you!

  4. Congratulations from FamilyIgloo

  5. Thank you so much, you guys! I'm really excited. Jenn, I'll need some tips. :)

  6. Congratulations! I love babies

  7. How exciting that you will have a boy!! Congrats! That dress does hide a lot!! The siblings will be close in birthdays!

  8. So excited for all of you!! And you are tiny - especially for a 2nd one. Everyone says you balloon after the 1st, but you have the cutest little bump :)
