Monday, September 9, 2013

Happy 5th Blogiversary!

How did this happen? How did 5 years go by—not exactly quickly, but so eventfully? It's so hard to believe that I started L.A. Story with this post, when CC was just 1 year old.

A lot has happened since then. CC's in 1st grade now. We have another baby -- Little Willsie. And we've been all over this city and beyond. (In fact, we were just in Palm Springs for the first time. Stay tuned for more details on that!)

It's inspired me to look back and pick out 5 fun posts from the last 5 years (in no particular order):

1. The Goats—Oh, the Goats!

2. Hulking Out!

3. Holey Donuts!

4. It's Not You, It's Me

5. Out of Print Onesies and Sibling Cuddles

Thanks to everyone who has visited my blog! Enjoy!