Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Los Angeles Moms Blog has a new blogger

You are looking at (well, reading) the newest contributor to the Los Angeles Moms Blog. I will be posting my latest adventures in motherhood to this blog group that started out in Silicon Valley and has grown to include moms in New York, D.C., Chicago, among other cities.

The women I've chatted with via email sound welcoming and great. But, I have to admit, it sort of feels like the first day of school when you're terrified you might trip, fall and bleed everywhere, in the process ripping your pants to reveal that you accidentally chose to wear "I Love John Stamos" underwear for God knows what reason ... and that's before the really embarrassing stuff starts.

Anyway, here's hoping they don't kick me off for being that kind of parent ... whatever that kind means.

Oh, and those posts will be separate from the ones I log here on L.A. Story.


  1. Surely it's not as painful as playing dodgeball in middle school.

  2. Congratulations! Go, blogger moms!
    Guess it's time to start posting updates on Facebook so people can keep track of all your posts...

  3. Admit it, wearing "I Love John Stamos" underwear was no accident!

  4. Ha! Thanks so much. I'll never live down dodgeball ... and didn't I put "accident" in quotes? :)

  5. I just saw your message in the forums, and this is one of your new LA Moms Blog colleagues stopping by to say hello! I have a blogroll for members' personal blogs on my blog, and I'll be adding L.A. Story over there. Nice to meet you!

  6. Hi Florinda! Nice to meet you, too. Look forward to contributing to the LA Moms Blog!

  7. Congratulations, I am excited to read your blogs!
