Monday, January 25, 2010

'Performing Books' shows its diva side

Peter Kors, Heather Calvete and Linda Zoolalian perform "Opera Cat."

Some libraries make their books come alive -- others actually make them sing. That's what happened downtown this weekend at the Los Angeles Central Library during its "Performing Books" presentation of "Opera Cat," by Tess Weaver.

The free and family-friendly program offers live performances of music-themed children's books, and this month's selection gave kiddos the chance to hear a real diva -- opera singer Heather Calvete.

"Opera Cat" tells the story of a singing feline named Alma who loves the opera and fills in for her owner, Madame SoSo, after she loses her voice.

While storyteller Peter Kors read the text, Heather acted out the parts of Alma and Mme. SoSo as the book's illustrations appeared on screen and Linda Zoolalian accompanied on piano.

CC was riveted, as were most of the children in the audience. The storytelling was lively and animated, and the music was an absolutely lovely touch. Nothing too heavy and just enough to keep the kids' interest piqued.

After the show, the performers all took questions from the child-heavy audience. Most of the kids wanted to know when the trio got started with their craft. 5 1/2 for Linda all the way up to 19 for Peter, who said he became a performer "to impress a girl."

CC kept turning to me and saying, "It's my turn!" She didn't necessarily have a question. She just wanted to be heard.

What we did get was a (blurry) photo of her with the performers. That, and a great time at the library.

Bravo, indeed!

For more information on "Performing Books," visit the Los Angeles Public Library website.


  1. I went to high school with Linda Zoolalian! Sounds like a wonderful time.

  2. That's so funny! What a small world. It was a great time.
