Friday, March 5, 2010

More for Moms: The Coupon Mom

Yes, today is all about Mama. And this post is about one of them -- The Coupon Mom.

I first heard about Coupon Mom when I was flipping through TV channels and saw her on a morning news program. I forget which one -- thank you, mom brain.

Anyway, she and the news correspondent were winding their way through a supermarket, throwing what seemed like mountains of food and goodies into the basket while chatting about this, that and how coupons -- you know, those pesky mailbox fillers and newspaper plumpers -- really do help.

Whatever, I thought. I'm OK about cutting out the occasional coupon, but I'm really (honestly) loath to sit down and devote time to going through all the useless coupon detritus to get to the good stuff.

Then Coupon Mom, aka Stephanie Nelson (who has a degree in finance, natch), and the correspondent arrived at the check-out line. I'm not kidding when I say that she got an $80-plus bill down to a measly quarter.

When she went for her wallet -- er, change purse -- the correspondent stopped her and said, "No, no, this one's on (insert major television news network here)."

I was stunned (and wondered if it might be staged, even a little), but then I got some more info and noticed that her tips really are helpful.

In the above video, she offers some nice advice on keeping the snack fund down to a minimum.

She didn't get her bill down to a coin you might find on the sidewalk, but her two cents' worth is something worth sharing.

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