Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Summer Skin Tips for Moms from Dermalogica Expert

Despite the chilly weather this summer, the sun is definitely peeking through the often cloudy Los Angeles skies and can wreak a little havoc on the skin.

Moms, who spend lots of time shuttling the little ones to and from the park, the beach and to various outdoor play dates, need to keep that skin protected.

That's why I wanted to talk to Annet King, Director of Global Education at The International Dermal Institute and Dermalogica, about keeping summer skin healthy. That, and what to do if you've already spent a few too many minutes outside and have the red cheeks to show for it.

I've written about Dermalogica here and am very impressed with their products and services. Like Annet says, it's not about how pretty the packaging is, it's about treating your skin well.

A couple of weeks ago, I also attended the unveiling of Dermalogica's new UltraCalming line at their Santa Monica location on Montana Avenue. For people with sensitized skin -- meaning skin that's prone to redness, burning, stinging and itching -- this is a gentle alternative. I was able to try out the products via a complimentary treatment kit, and they are indeed gentle. You don't feel as if you've scrubbed off the top five layers of epidermis just by cleaning your face.

What I especially like is the Ultracalming Mist, a spray bottle you can throw in your purse and spritz on to hydrate and calm any facial redness.

Definitely a plus for this mom!


  1. Thanks, Ashley! I loved what Annet had to say, especially about the shot glass full of sunscreen. Never knew exactly how much you're supposed to use.
