Monday, April 22, 2013

The Earth-Friendly Honest Company

The Honest Company diapers
Happy Earth Day! In celebration of the eco-friendly holiday, I wanted to spotlight a company that offers Earth-safe and stylish products for kids and moms.

In addition to laundry detergent, shampoo and body wash (and much more!), The Honest Company -- co-founded by actress/mom Jessica Alba -- created these adorable and plant-based, sustainably harvested diapers ($13.95 per pack) that are also gentle on baby's skin.

Alba was inspired to help found The Honest Company after she discovered her "daughter Honor sitting in her crib, eating these tiny beads from the inside of her diaper," she told Self magazine last year. "They were all over her face. It was a moment of terror."

These diapers, however, don't have those unhealthy beads, instead using nontoxic, bio-based wheat/corn for its core.

And they're seriously cute, too! Check out all of the designs here (click the "patterns" tab). See how you can try some for free.

For more Earth-friendly products (this time for kids), check out my story on

1 comment:

  1. Yeah honest co is really providing the eco friendly products, which are really very effective and good to use. Thanks!!
