Friday, September 16, 2011

Review: 'Sesame Street: Ready, Set, Grover' Wii Game

CC has proven to be really skilled when it comes to electronic games, whether it's an iPhone app or something for the Wii. And as much as I appreciate the educational value of most of these entertainment options, I've always wondered if companies could somehow engage kids physically.

That's why I was happy to have CC try out "Sesame Street: Ready, Set, Grover!" ($39.99) for the Wii. This preschool-friendly game, which I am reviewing from a copy provided by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, not only has segments that promote healthy eating and basic sorting, it also has her dancing, jumping and moving her arms.

I was really impressed. One mini game has the player mimicking dance moves of an on-screen Elmo or Abby Cadabby. Another has the player ducking every time a low-hanging tree limb appears on screen.

It was great to see CC so active while still having to make decisions about which fruit goes where and what is a balanced meal for a little monster. She even invited her friend to play, too. (I never tire of watching 4-year-olds dance.) So, suffice it to say, there wasn't much time spent on the couch.

And that's not even mentioning the cute Grover Wii controller cover that conveniently hides buttons that little hands won't use. Parents also can track a child's progress with the game via a special parent page.

While the graphics of the game aren't the same as watching an episode of "Sesame Street," the characters are still fun, appealing to kids and give them another reason to get on their feet.

(Note: A copy of the game was provided for review.)

1 comment:

  1. The graphics look great! I have the Cookie Monster Game and Love It!
