Tuesday, March 12, 2013

'Rise of the Guardians' DVD + Blu-ray Hits Shelves Today

A few weeks after Baby Will was born, one of CC's friends took her to see Rise of the Guardians, the DreamWorks Animation film that pits a group of children's heroes (the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, Sandman and Jack Frost) against an evil spirit that wants to dash kids' hopes and beliefs.

It was an important moment for CC -- a new baby was stirring things up, we seemed to be chronically home bound, and she had just started kindergarten at a new school. So I was grateful to her friend's mom for offering. She got to get out of the house and have a play date with a new friend.

While I wanted her to go to a fun movie, at the time my main concern was that she just have fun -- whatever kid movie she was going to see.

What I didn't expect was what she said when she came back home.

Not only did she enjoy the elves and the adventure of it all, she also told me, "Mommy, I believe."

It was so sweet and childlike. I loved that she sounded inspired and ready to conquer the world. Especially at a time when it seemed like so many challenges were trying to conquer her.

Rise of the Guardians on DVD + Blu-ray hits shelves today -- along with a couple wind-up eggs, in time for Easter. Extras include printable egg holders, coloring sheets, as well as Sandy's dream guide and a look behind the scenes.

I'm sure the Easter Bunny (in this case, voiced by Hugh Jackman) would be very pleased.

Not only that, but the director, Peter Ramsey, has an L.A. connection. He grew up in the city, attended Pali High, UCLA and is a dad himself!

What I'm looking forward to most, though, is watching this DVD with my little girl and seeing what made her believe.

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