Thursday, March 7, 2013

Seventh Generation Revamps Baby Wipes + Giveaway *Sponsored*

Baby Will - a happy guy even on the changing table.
UPDATE: Congrats to HiLesha, who won the package of Seventh Generation baby wipes! And I'll definitely have to check out the NoseFrida. Thanks again to everyone who participated!

When it comes to baby wipes, we know how hard they have to work. Let's face it. Changing table time can be stressful -- for both parent and baby.

And now that I have a boy (who makes us smile all the time with his happy face, btw), I've learned about the added challenge of sudden fountains of, well, you know.

So, as you may know, we need wipes. Lots of them.

I had the chance to try out Seventh Generation's new Free & Clear Baby Wipes, and they're so great! Not only are they free of fragrances, dyes, alcohol, parabens and phthalates, but they're also soft, thick and absorbent. I love that they don't fall apart. I also love that you can feel good about using them on baby's hands and face.

Another added plus: They're easy on the environment. Seventh Generation has reduced plastic use by 70% through the use of plant materials.

So I had a feeling that you might want to check them out, too. Here's how you can.

*** GIVEAWAY ***

I'm giving away 1 package of Seventh Generation Free & Clear Baby Wipes ($2.99 for 64 ct.).

To enter, share a baby care tip in the comments section below.

For more chances to win, tweet at @SeventhGen and share the giveaway. Be sure to add the link in the comments section.

Good luck, and I will announce the winner on Friday, March 22!

(Disclosure: This is a sponsored post in connection with Seventh Generation and The Motherhood. I have been compensated, however, all opinions expressed here are my own.)


  1. We know about those fountains all too well here after having 2 boys. I was quite (delightfully) surprised when #3 was a girl and we didn't have to worry about those!

  2. Since the cold and flu are at their worst, I highly recommend getting a Nose Frida for a baby or toddler in case their sinuses get clogged up. The Nose Frida is much better than the nasal bulb syringes.

  3. These are great tips! Thanks so much. Keep 'em coming. :)

  4. Boogie wipes are soft on their little noses!

    itsjustme91770 at yahoo dot com

  5. my tip is never leave home without diapers and wipes and some extra clothes in case of an accident or leak

  6. To heal diaper rash quickly- change diapers every two hours and do not use cream or even wipes during this time to cleanse. Just run baby's bottom under warm water to rinse off messes, pat dry and replace diaper

